List of 2 runs for the 2009 detection of 488515 (2001 FE90)
runid tx rx freq wvfrm numpol txoff rxoff dtk fs bits codelen baud smpb ephdelay ephgen ephsol utdate txup txdown rxup rxdown
917700001 A A 2380000000 cw 2 250 0 ri 5000 12 OSOD 33 2009-06-26 23:44:55 23:45:09 23:45:15 23:45:29
917700002 A A 2380000000 cw 2 250 0 ri 5000 12 OSOD 33 2009-06-26 23:45:38 23:45:52 23:45:58 23:46:12