Asteroid Radar Database
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(2017 SL16)
Classification: ATE [NEO]
H:25.92 mag, G:0.15

  MPC page for this object   |  JPL SBDB page for this object   |  NEODyS-2 page for this object   |  ESA SSA page for this object  

History of Radar Detections
Year Month Transmitter Receiver Frequency Obs
2019 Sep Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]

Radar-Based Physical Properties

Orbital Elements at Epoch 2024-03-31 00:00 TT from E2023-Q03 (heliocentric ecliptic J2000)
Element Value Units
e 0.1519148
a 0.9963363 AU
i 8.8026 deg
om 182.20433 deg
w 68.73775 deg
ma 284.21985 deg
n 0.99104903 deg/d

Link to complete orbital information at Minor Planet Center

Earth Close-Approach Data (+/- 10 years)
date nominal distance RTT SNR/run at Arecibo
2014-09-27 23:08:00 0.10973 109.5 0.0
2015-09-23 10:51:00 0.07792 77.8 0.1
2016-09-21 01:45:00 0.05053 50.4 0.6
2017-09-20 19:27:00 0.03062 30.6 3.6
2018-09-20 21:09:00 0.02181 21.8 11.2
2019-09-21 02:12:00 0.02027 20.2 14.3
2020-09-20 06:56:00 0.02272 22.7 9.8
2021-09-20 14:48:00 0.03271 32.6 2.9
2022-09-21 14:02:00 0.05294 52.8 0.6
2023-09-23 20:12:00 0.08028 80.1 0.1
2024-09-28 11:15:00 0.11131 111.1 0.0
2025-10-07 21:09:00 0.14163 141.3 0.0
2026-07-28 01:45:00 0.19641 196.0 0.0
2026-10-19 15:55:00 0.16846 168.1 0.0
2027-07-07 05:45:00 0.21189 211.5 0.0
2027-10-31 20:05:00 0.19049 190.1 0.0
2028-06-21 10:02:00 0.21866 218.2 0.0
2028-11-11 21:23:00 0.20746 207.0 0.0
2029-06-08 17:01:00 0.21896 218.5 0.0
2029-11-23 16:39:00 0.21879 218.4 0.0
2030-05-27 21:26:00 0.21398 213.6 0.0
2030-12-05 23:32:00 0.22462 224.2 0.0
2031-05-16 10:16:00 0.20422 203.8 0.0
2031-12-19 15:08:00 0.22449 224.0 0.0
2032-05-04 00:27:00 0.18993 189.6 0.0
2033-01-04 22:37:00 0.21703 216.6 0.0
2033-04-22 13:52:00 0.17131 171.0 0.0
2034-04-11 07:55:00 0.14916 148.9 0.0

Link to complete Close-Approach Data on SBDB at JPL