Asteroid Radar Database
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2100 Ra-Shalom (1978 RA)
Classification: ATE [NEO]
H:16.23 mag, G:0.15

  MPC page for this object   |  JPL SBDB page for this object   |  NEODyS-2 page for this object   |  ESA SSA page for this object  

History of Radar Detections
Year Month Transmitter Receiver Frequency Obs
1981 Aug Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]
1984 Aug Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]
2000 Aug Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]
2003 Aug Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]
2016 Sep Goldstone Goldstone 8560 [G]
2019 Sep Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]

Radar-Based Physical Properties
name symbol value units uncertainty reference notes
number of components N
morphological type
spectrum-based or image-based dimensions
maximum range extent Rmax km
minimum range extent Rmin km
maximum Doppler bandwidth Bmax Hz
minimum Doppler bandwidth Bmin Hz
effective diameter Deff km
quality code for size Q
shape-based dimensions
equivalent diameter Dequ km
extent along principal axis x Ex km
extent along principal axis y Ey km
extent along principal axis z Ez km
DEEVE extent along x Dx km
DEEVE extent along y Dy km
DEEVE extent along z Dz km
surface area A km2
volume V km3
spin period Pspin h
spin rate ω deg/day
YORP acceleration ω̇ deg/day2
spin axis ecliptic longitude λ deg
spin axis ecliptic latitude β deg
radar cross-section OC σOC km2
radar cross-section SC σSC km2
radar cross-section σT km2
projected area Aproj km2
radar albedo OC σ̂OC
radar albedo SC σ̂SC
radar albedo σ̂T
circular polarization ratio μC 0.25 0.04 2008Icar..198..294B Date: 2003T

Orbital Elements at Epoch 2024-10-17 00:00 TT from MPO775966 (heliocentric ecliptic J2000)
Element Value Units
e 0.4365062
a 0.832034 AU
i 15.7548 deg
om 170.77776 deg
w 356.07515 deg
ma 89.61602 deg
n 1.29865105 deg/d

Link to complete orbital information at Minor Planet Center

Earth Close-Approach Data (+/- 10 years)
date nominal distance RTT SNR/run at Arecibo
2016-10-09 14:10:00 0.14991 149.6 109.7
2019-05-12 07:06:00 0.47366 472.7 2.0
2019-09-21 20:03:00 0.17972 179.4 58.3
2022-08-31 17:28:00 0.18733 187.0 50.5
2023-01-11 14:56:00 0.47073 469.8 2.0
2025-08-12 15:42:00 0.17290 172.6 66.7
2028-08-08 01:00:00 0.24831 247.8 18.9
2031-08-14 03:10:00 0.41094 410.1 3.2
2032-10-10 05:39:00 0.34814 347.4 5.8

Link to complete Close-Approach Data on SBDB at JPL