Asteroid Radar Database
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216 Kleopatra
Classification:  []
H:7.11 mag, G:0.15
Wavefront file Reference: 2000Sci...288..836O

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History of Radar Detections
Year Month Transmitter Receiver Frequency Obs
1985 Nov Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]
1999 Sep Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]
1999 Nov Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]
2008 Sep Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]
2013 Nov Arecibo Arecibo 2380 [A]

Radar-Based Physical Properties
name symbol value units uncertainty reference notes
number of components N
morphological type
spectrum-based or image-based dimensions
maximum range extent Rmax km
minimum range extent Rmin km
maximum Doppler bandwidth Bmax Hz
minimum Doppler bandwidth Bmin Hz
effective diameter Deff 138 km 20 2007Icar..186..126M Taken at Arecibo 2380MHz
quality code for size Q
shape-based dimensions
equivalent diameter Dequ km
extent along principal axis x Ex km
extent along principal axis y Ey km
extent along principal axis z Ez km
DEEVE extent along x Dx km
DEEVE extent along y Dy km
DEEVE extent along z Dz km
surface area A km2
volume V km3
spin period Pspin 5.385 h 2007Icar..186..126M 5.385(h) from Harris(2005) Lightcurve data
spin rate ω deg/day
YORP acceleration ω̇ deg/day2
spin axis ecliptic longitude λ deg
spin axis ecliptic latitude β deg
radar cross-section OC σOC 10200 km2 2600 2007Icar..186..126M Freq: 2380
Taken at Arecibo
radar cross-section SC σSC km2
radar cross-section σT km2
projected area Aproj km2
radar albedo OC σ̂OC 0.68 .28 2007Icar..186..126M Freq: 2380
Taken at Arecibo
radar albedo SC σ̂SC
radar albedo σ̂T
circular polarization ratio μC 0 .05 2007Icar..186..126M Taken at Arecibo

Orbital Elements at Epoch 2024-03-31 00:00 TT from MPO840814 (heliocentric ecliptic J2000)
Element Value Units
e 0.2508999
a 2.7934071 AU
i 13.12106 deg
om 215.31434 deg
w 179.71786 deg
ma 91.12859 deg
n 0.21110705 deg/d

Link to complete orbital information at Minor Planet Center